
The Sdf.Sdf object represent signed distance function fields. It allows to create various shapes.



Box aligned with axes


Capsule defined by a segment and a radius.


Reverse interior and exterior.


Difference between two SDF objects.


Closed polygon defined from edges in the xy plane.


Intersection between two SDF objects.


The union of many connected capsules, forming a piecewise linear pipe with a constant radius.


Plate defined by one point on the surface and the normal vector, pointing inside.


Base sdf class.


Sphere defined by its center and radius.


Union between two SDF objects.


class _sdf_tools.Sdf.Box

Box aligned with axes

__init__(self: sdf_tools.Sdf.Box, low: sdf_tools.real3, high: sdf_tools.real3, inside: bool) None
  • low – Lower corner of the box.

  • high – Upper corner of the box.

  • insideTrue if the interior is inside the given shape.

at(self: sdf_tools.Sdf.Sdf, r: sdf_tools.real3) float

Evaluate the SDF field at the given position.


r – The position where to evaluate the SDF.

class _sdf_tools.Sdf.Capsule

Capsule defined by a segment and a radius.

__init__(self: sdf_tools.Sdf.Capsule, start: sdf_tools.real3, end: sdf_tools.real3, radius: float, inside: bool) None
  • start – First end of the segment.

  • end – Second end of the segment.

  • radius – Radius of the capsule.

  • inside – Whether the domain is inside the capsule or outside of it.

at(self: sdf_tools.Sdf.Sdf, r: sdf_tools.real3) float

Evaluate the SDF field at the given position.


r – The position where to evaluate the SDF.

class _sdf_tools.Sdf.Complement

Reverse interior and exterior.

__init__(self: sdf_tools.Sdf.Complement, sdf: sdf_tools.Sdf.Sdf) None

sdf – The original sdf.

at(self: sdf_tools.Sdf.Sdf, r: sdf_tools.real3) float

Evaluate the SDF field at the given position.


r – The position where to evaluate the SDF.

class _sdf_tools.Sdf.Difference

Difference between two SDF objects.

__init__(self: sdf_tools.Sdf.Difference, a: sdf_tools.Sdf.Sdf, b: sdf_tools.Sdf.Sdf) None
  • a – The original sdf.

  • b – The sdf of the object that should be removed from the original.

at(self: sdf_tools.Sdf.Sdf, r: sdf_tools.real3) float

Evaluate the SDF field at the given position.


r – The position where to evaluate the SDF.

class _sdf_tools.Sdf.Edges

Closed polygon defined from edges in the xy plane.

__init__(self: sdf_tools.Sdf.Edges, edges: List[sdf_tools.real2], inside: bool, nsamples: int = 20) None
  • edges – List of vertices positions (2D).

  • insideTrue if the interior is inside the given shape.

  • nsamples – Number of samples to find the sign of the SDF (more is more accurate).

at(self: sdf_tools.Sdf.Sdf, r: sdf_tools.real3) float

Evaluate the SDF field at the given position.


r – The position where to evaluate the SDF.

class _sdf_tools.Sdf.Intersection

Intersection between two SDF objects.

__init__(self: sdf_tools.Sdf.Intersection, a: sdf_tools.Sdf.Sdf, b: sdf_tools.Sdf.Sdf) None
  • a – The first sdf.

  • b – The second sdf.

at(self: sdf_tools.Sdf.Sdf, r: sdf_tools.real3) float

Evaluate the SDF field at the given position.


r – The position where to evaluate the SDF.

class _sdf_tools.Sdf.PiecewisePipe

The union of many connected capsules, forming a piecewise linear pipe with a constant radius.

__init__(self: sdf_tools.Sdf.PiecewisePipe, vertices: List[sdf_tools.real3], radius: float, inside: bool) None
  • vertices – Coordinates of the points forming the center line.

  • radius – Radius of the capsule.

  • inside – Whether the domain is inside the capsule or outside of it.

at(self: sdf_tools.Sdf.Sdf, r: sdf_tools.real3) float

Evaluate the SDF field at the given position.


r – The position where to evaluate the SDF.

class _sdf_tools.Sdf.Plate

Plate defined by one point on the surface and the normal vector, pointing inside.

__init__(self: sdf_tools.Sdf.Plate, point: sdf_tools.real3, normal: sdf_tools.real3) None
  • point – One point on the plane.

  • normal – The normal vector (not necessarily normalized, but must be non-zero) pointing inside.

at(self: sdf_tools.Sdf.Sdf, r: sdf_tools.real3) float

Evaluate the SDF field at the given position.


r – The position where to evaluate the SDF.

class _sdf_tools.Sdf.Sdf

Base sdf class.

at(self: sdf_tools.Sdf.Sdf, r: sdf_tools.real3) float

Evaluate the SDF field at the given position.


r – The position where to evaluate the SDF.

class _sdf_tools.Sdf.Sphere

Sphere defined by its center and radius.

__init__(self: sdf_tools.Sdf.Sphere, center: sdf_tools.real3, radius: float, inside: bool) None
  • center – Center of the sphere.

  • radius – Radius of the sphere.

  • inside – Whether the domain is inside the sphere or outside of it.

at(self: sdf_tools.Sdf.Sdf, r: sdf_tools.real3) float

Evaluate the SDF field at the given position.


r – The position where to evaluate the SDF.

class _sdf_tools.Sdf.Union

Union between two SDF objects.

__init__(self: sdf_tools.Sdf.Union, a: sdf_tools.Sdf.Sdf, b: sdf_tools.Sdf.Sdf) None
  • a – The first sdf.

  • b – The second sdf.

at(self: sdf_tools.Sdf.Sdf, r: sdf_tools.real3) float

Evaluate the SDF field at the given position.


r – The position where to evaluate the SDF.